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Physics * » Magnetism*


When an iron item is brought close to a magneto, the energybundles opening up from them have interaction with each other.The energybundles opening up from a magneto slow down the energybundles that come from an iron item and the energybundles coming from the iron item slow down the energybundles coming from the magneto.

This way their speed does not accelerate. When the energybundles coming from the magneto get inside the iron item and energybundles coming from the ironitem get inside the magneto, they make the atomcores of the magneto and iron item themselves to go to the orbit so that they turn around scant half a round and then are thrown to the same direction where they came from. The speed has accelerated in a same than the speed of a sounder does while passing the planet.

Now the energybundles are directed straight towards some expanding atoms core and they explode there.

This is why we can feel how the magneto and a iron item aspire towards each other when they locate close enough each other.

The repulsion of two magnetos can be explained so, that the magnetos make eac others atomcores to explode their energy towards each other. Perhaps a part of the energybundles are directed straight towards the atomcore of a magneto nextby.

Let us think that the atoms of a magneto and iron item are galaxies.

If there comes from outside an energyconsentration towards the centre of the galaxy, does this energyconsentration get so much energy as waves from the stars of the external circle of the galaxy. Now these energywaves make this energyconsentration to explode its energy away from the galaxy centre. The orbit of the energyconsentration bends according to the galaxy centre.

Energybundles come also towards the energyconsentration from the centre of the galaxy. These energubundles are more massive and they have less external surface. The longer time the energycentre locates nearby the hot centre of the galaxy, the more the massive energybundles coming from the galaxy centre begin to have interaction with the atomcores of the energyconsentration.

The denser energywaves the atomcores of the energyconsentration do open, the more the energybundles coming from the galaxy centre get hits towards thenselves and the more they do explode their energy towards the atomcores of the energyconsentration and also the more they move their kinetic energy
towards the atomcores of the energyconsentration.

Now the speed of the energyconsentration begins to accelerate and it pushes itself away from the galaxy centre faster than the "surface" of the galaxy centre. The further the energyconsentration pushes itself from the galaxycentre, the more it has stars behind it and the more its speed accelerates away from the galaxy centre.

This way we can explain without using the drawing force, how the energybundles coming from the magneto and from an iron item turn around the atomcore inside the magneto and an iron item scant half a round and are then thrown powerfully towards some atomcore, where they explode and move their
kinetic energy towards it.

Old one

Also the magnetism can be explained by the variation of the pressure. The energywaves that open up are once again in a key position. The separate three-dimentionally expanding energybundles of the waves and how they have interaction with the energywaves that meet them. And of course, how they have interaction after that with the atomcores of a piece. Or in other words how much or how little do they move their kinetic energy to the pieces.

The particles that rotate wildly round their axles have been observed tohave a magnetic field. The best way to observe a particle rotating wildly round its axle is to observe our galaxies. On the other hand the time is such a relative phenomen, that in our point of view the galaxies do not rotate round their axles.

When we observe the galaxy, we can notice that stars rotate around the galaxy centre. These stars open up energywaves to every direction. This way the stars that push themselves away from the centre of the galaxy, open themselves their energy back towards the galaxy centre.

This is how the stars make each others movement tracks to bend away from the galaxy centre.

The situation is different if the particle does not rotate wildly round its axle.

When a magneto and a iron item dash against each other, we can ask does the magneto draw the iron item towards itself. Or is it so that the  three-dimentional magneto that advaces with accelerating speed does not push away from itself the three-dimentional iron item that also advances with  accelerating speed in same relation as they expand? Now their surfaces crash together because of the variation of pressure, without any drawing force. When we stretch a rubber strip, we can feel the stretching. The atoms of a rubber strip between our fingers push themselves towards a less dense area. The atoms inside the rubber strip are less dense in a area where to the expanding atoms of a rubber strip push each other.

A tension holds because we are pushing ourselves away from the centre of the globe. Our hands diverge at the same relation as they expand. Proportionally our hands don´t draw away from each other. Still the expanding atoms of a rubber strip don´t have time to push one another towards a less dense area so quickly that the tension would fade away from the rubber strip.

We feel also how a iron item strives towards a magneto. This doesn´t base on a fact that the magneto would have a capasity to draw the iron item  towards itself. It bases on a fact that the pressure variates. The variation of the pressure is based on expanding of atomcores, opening up energywaves.

The expanding molecules of air in a spacecraft push each other towards the emptiness of space if the door of a spacecraft is opened. The emptiness does not draw the air out. There does not exist any drawing force.


How about when the energybundles opening up from the magneto and from the iron item have interaction with each other so that when they fall inside the object nextby (iron item / magneto), they are driven nearby some atomcore of a object and swing around it like comets and continue their journey to that very same direction where they came from?

So now they move their kinetic energy towards a object in a way that the expanding atoms of a magneto push each other towards the expanding atoms ofn  iron item and the expanding atoms of an iron item push each other towards the magneto.

With Savor english

Swing around almost half round and continue next atom nucleus. There that energyparticle expanding and pushing that atom that way.


Let us think that outside the galaxy there would come an energy concentration towards the centre of the galaxy. Now there would come a lot of energy from the stars of the outer circle and this way the orbit of this energy concentration would bend according to the centre of the galaxy.

The energy coming from the centre would however start to push it little by little away from the centre of the galaxy and this way it would be thrown after a scant half round away from the galaxy. With a faster speed than it came to the galaxy.

When it now hits the galaxy centre, it would explode strongly and move all its kinetic energy towards it.

If we drop an item into a roundabout, it will be thrown away from the roundabout with speed.